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The Glallergen Coronavirus (2019 nCoV) Antigen Test Kit has stable product quality, an accuracy of 97%, and a clinical specificity of 99% These minimize the chance of false positive results. The test kit can detect known varieties of virus such as Omicorn and Delta. The products, which are relatively safe and reliable compared to the existing products on the market, have obtained a variety of international tests and certifications. The product is valid for two years.

Product Name: Glallergen Coronavirus (2019 nCoV) Antigen Test Kit

How to Use: Use a nasopharyngeal swab sample for testing and the test result will be available in about 15 minutes. It is suitable for testing Novel Coronavirus and its variants, and can detect 99% of the known Novel Coronavirus, including Omicron, Delta and other virus variants.

Clinical Specificity: 99%

Accuracy: 97%​

Cq≤25: 100%
Cq 25-30: 100%
Cq≥30: 60%
Total: 92%
(Reference and data source: ​Paul-Ehrlich-Institut)

EU CE certification
ISO certified
Certified by Germany, France, Austria and other countries
Export to the European market, in the certification lists of ISO and EU RAT
Obtained the German Whitelist: PEI authoritative certification
Tested by BfArM of the German Institute for drugs and medical devices
Passed the Whitelist of French
Passed the Whitelist of Italy: Professional and Self-testing
Passed the Whitelist of Austria


Glallergen Antigen Test Kit Leaflet
Glallergen Antigen Test Kit Instruction

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  Glallergen Products

  Glallergen Logo
Glallergen Products
The Glallergen Coronavirus (2019 nCoV) Antigen Test Kit has stable product quality, an accuracy of 97%, and a clinical specificity of 99% These minimize the chance of false positive results. The test kit can detect known varieties of virus such as Omicorn and Delta. The products, which are relatively safe and reliable compared to the existing products on the market, have obtained a variety of international tests and certifications. The product is valid for two years.

Product Name: Glallergen Coronavirus (2019 nCoV) Antigen Test Kit

How to Use: Use a nasopharyngeal swab sample for testing and the test result will be available in about 15 minutes. It is suitable for testing Novel Coronavirus and its variants, and can detect 99% of the known Novel Coronavirus, including Omicron, Delta and other virus variants.

Clinical Specificity: 99%

Accuracy: 97%​

Cq≤25: 100%
Cq 25-30: 100%
Cq≥30: 60%
Total: 92%
(Reference and data source: ​Paul-Ehrlich-Institut)

EU CE certification
ISO certified
Certified by Germany, France, Austria and other countries
Export to the European market, in the certification lists of ISO and EU RAT
Obtained the German Whitelist: PEI authoritative certification
Tested by BfArM of the German Institute for drugs and medical devices
Passed the Whitelist of French
Passed the Whitelist of Italy: Professional and Self-testing
Passed the Whitelist of Austria


Glallergen Antigen Test Kit Leaflet
Glallergen Antigen Test Kit Instruction
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